This set of flashcards currently contains over 1600 words and phrases for learning French or English. In the future we hope to cover as many languages as possible. This is based off of the work done by COERLL on their Français Interactif course. It contains a whole textbook for learning French from English and they have a vocabulary section for each chapter. We ported this to make the Universal Flashcards for French & English (fr-en) so if you want to learn French or learn English you can use these cards to get started!
Like Learn X in Y Minutes we want this to be a very community driven project so if you want to make your own flashcards to learn a different language go to GitHub and make a pull request!
I want to add a new language!The flashcards uses an app called Anki which is an open source app available on all platforms (Android, IOS & all desktops) which is based on spaced repetition. We like this app as you can add images, audio and much more to each card. It also encourages you to spend more time revising the things that you don't know than revising the things that you do. It includes a very good section on statistics so you can see analysis on your progress on the topic that you're learning.

Getting Started
First you will need to download Anki on your preferred device. View the download section of the website.
Link to AnkiThen you will need to download the Foreign language Flashcards
UFLF Ελληνικά-English (Chapter 0-2) UFLF Español-English (Chapters 0-9) UFLF فارسی-English (Chapters 0) UFLF Français-English UFLF 한국인-English (Chapter 0) UFLF Português-English (Chapter 0-1) UFLF Srpskohrvatski-EnglishNow you will need to import the deck either from the app or by opening the file from your downloads and selecting the Anki app for your device.
You can now start learning!

If you're new to Anki or an expert feel free to watch our video on an introduction to Anki to review the basics.
Please note the modifications which have been made & where you can find updates.
- All the vocabulary from each chapter has been arranged in a way that can be easily learnt from Anki, separated into decks for each chapter
- Any updates, corrections or translations to the deck will be available at so do return periodically to check if you have the latest version.
- Modifications from the original work includes typo correction, card merging & consistency consolidation (see the commit history for [fr-en] for the specific changes)
Feel free to share the deck and give the repository a star so more people are likely to see this work and can get the most out of it.
Potential Improvements Yet to be Made
- To find a way to systematically pull the pronounciation of each word or phrase from the audio provided in the textbook.
- Currently audio from the textbook are batched together and are not word by word, we are looking into splitting these programmatically & appending them to each card
- Anki has an addon for pronounciation called "AwesomeTTS" but I am unsure of the license which the audio can be used under.
- To be able to automatically sort the cards so that the words which are used most in the vocabulary (or the textbook as a whole) is displayed first for the user to learn.
- We would like to be able to translate these decks for different languages so other people who don't speak English or French can learn these words or be able to make textbooks for other languages as well.
Unless otherwise specified, everything in the flashcards is covered by the following license:

This work was based on the work Francais Interactif by the COERLL, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
To see this work in full go to
This set of flashcards is and always will be available for free to download and use from the links above. However we pour our heart and soul into making all of our educational material high quality and useful for our users. This includes sourcing, porting, documenting and testing. If you wish to monitarily support us for these specific flashcards you are free to do so using the form below!
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Click the buttons for common donation amounts or input a number manually (a minimum has been set due to merchant fees)